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Baked Subs

On  6" -$7.99 or 12"-$10.99

The Ripley
Chicken Breast
Co-Jack cheese & Mozzarella cheese with lettuce, tomato and herb-mayonnaise
The Lynchburg
Served with pasta sauce, mozzarella and parmesan cheese
The Piedmont Plateau
Ham, salami, pepperoni, pasta sauce, Parmesan and mozzarella cheese.
The Narrow Trail
Ham & Cheese
Sliced ham and mozzarella cheese topped with lettuce, tomato, & mayonnaise

Wolfies Sandwiches
         "Leading The Pack"          
Phone # (616) 772-6442
Fax # (616) 772-6452
9479 Riley Street, Bridgewater Square, Zeeland MI 49464