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Cold Subs

Made to order on 6' - $6.49 or 12" - $9.49


Turkey, Roast Beef, Veggie, Ham, Italian- Salami, Pepperoni & Ham.


Vegetable Choices

Pepperoncini, Mild Banana Pepper,  Pickle, Cucumber, Onion, Mushroom, Tomato, Lettuce, and Black & Green Olives



Mayonnaise, Mustard, Italian, Ranch, 1000 Island, Caesar, Dill-Ranch, Herb Mayonnaise, Sweet Onion, Tiger Sauce (mild horseradish),  Barbecue Mayonnaise



Parmesan, Provolone, American and Cheddar, Co-Jack, Swiss, and Mozzarella

Wolfies Sandwiches
         "Leading The Pack"          
Phone # (616) 772-6442
Fax # (616) 772-6452
9479 Riley Street, Bridgewater Square, Zeeland MI 49464