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The Appalachian Reward

Peanut Butter Bar
"A Triple Chocolate Brownie with a Rich Peanut Button Cream Cheese Frosting topped with Chocolate Drizzle - $1.42
Decadent Bar
"An unforgettable treat" A peanut butter crust with a layer of rich French vanilla frosting. Topped with delicious semi-sweet chocolate $1.42
Buttermilk Chocolate Brownie
"Treat your taste buds" A sweet, chocolate, melt in your mouth sensation with creamy chocolate frosting - $1.42
Trail Bar
"Revive yourself" A flavorful peanut butter crust layered with the candy goodies of trail mix - $1.42
Appalachian Reward
"The taste of chocolate heaven" A soft moist brownie covered with a layer of cream cheese and a layer of gooey marshmallows, topped with a drizzle of chocolate and chocolate chips $1.42
Cookie or Bar - $1.42
Potato Chips - $.99
Muffin- $1.99

The Decadent Bar

Wolfies Sandwiches
         "Leading The Pack"          
Phone # (616) 772-6442
Fax # (616) 772-6452
9479 Riley Street, Bridgewater Square, Zeeland MI 49464