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The Mountain

The Dixie

Ham & Swiss

Served with honey dijon mustard- $7.99


The Valley

Three Cheese

American, Swiss, Monterey Jack and Colby Cheese, lettuce and tomato- $7.99


The Williamson

Sliced Turkey, Roast Beef & Ham topped with Co-jack cheese, lettuce, and herb mayo dressing- $7.99


The Mountain

Chicken Salad

Ice cold chicken salad topped with lettuce on grilled panini bread- $7.99


Over Look

Turkey, Bacon, topped with lettuce, tomato, Co-Jack cheese, and herb mayonnaise- $7.99

The Valley

Wolfies Sandwiches
         "Leading The Pack"          
Phone # (616) 772-6442
Fax # (616) 772-6452
9479 Riley Street, Bridgewater Square, Zeeland MI 49464