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Are your looking for good food, in a family friendly relaxing enviroment? If so you found just the place. At Wolfies Sandwiches we have a great assortment of food that will cater to everyones tastebuds. We have Wraps, Gourment Sandwiches, Paninis, Baked Sandwiches and Cold subs. We also have a kids menu which will certainly satisfy the little ones. 


Feel free to navigate through our site. We have our full menu listed, or if you know you really would like a Panini but don't know what type then click on our Menu Made Easy link. At Wolfies Sandwiches we would also be happy to cater for your business luncheons or other special occasions. Here at Wolfies Sandwiches we are truly "Leading The Pack".

Phone # 616-772-6442

Current Hours
Open Monday through Saturday
10:00 am until 4:00 pm
  • Call in orders as early as 9:00am
  • Please call to confirm faxes

"Better Because We Try Harder"

Wolfies Sandwiches
         "Leading The Pack"          
Phone # (616) 772-6442
Fax # (616) 772-6452
9479 Riley Street, Bridgewater Square, Zeeland MI 49464